How often have we said or heard, "I blame God"? More often than none, am I right? So many of us want to point at the Supreme Being for every wicked and evil encounter we face in this godless world. Yet, we don't call on Him, depend on Him, lean on Him or even revere Him. We don't acknowledge His adversary either. Lucifer is just laughing at all the blame God gets. Meanwhile, he continues to wreak havoc and claim more and more of God's people. All of us who turn our backs on God and choose not to believe in Him are Lucifer's. End of story! His mission is accomplished by our denial, defiance, and our sweet misery is his victory. Before blaming God, think about the free will He's allowed us to have. Also think about the sinful nature we have and are born with. Put them both together and what do you get? Mistakes or mishaps again and again and again. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We all reap what we sow, and no one is making us do anything. G...