In January of this year, I became very ill after serving as a juror in county court. As safe as I thought I was being during that week (wearing masks and social distancing), I still caught that nasty Covid-19. I was sick for three weeks. It was horrible. I had to quarantine myself from my son. Then when my test results came back negative in February, I was relieved. Though I had lasting effects from the illness, including headaches and a lingering cough that took months to get rid of. Also the worst thing possible that can happen to a singer happened. I lost my singing voice! I couldn't even hum a tune. I became so depressed, especially when listening to music because I was unable to sing along. I thought that it was over for me as a performer and maybe just songwriting was my calling instead of both. I just sulked for a while. I blamed the courts for summoning me to jury duty. I mean after all, I had just served in 2016, so why on earth are they calling me back so soon? Why not su...
Mama, Artist, Musician, Comedian, Writer