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Showing posts from January, 2022

I refuse to get the new year blues!!

Hey y'all! Look at me! Don't I look like someone who was excited and looking forward to the new year? Yay 2022, so I thought! Till it arrived and nothing spectacular was happening. Till I realized that it was only a continuation of 2021. Till I was summoned for jury duty. Till I got sick!     Jury Duty lasted nearly two full weeks before ending without even having to deliberate. Wow, what a waste of time! Oh well at least I was compensated. I got a check but needed a check-up! I was sick for several days with Covid-ish like symptoms but felt like the flu. Besides the lingering cough, I'm doing much better now. Thank God!    So anyway, now that I've gotten over the fear of facing the same year again, jury duty and possible Covid, my year can now officially begin! Maybe January was just a rough month overall. February will bring some joy! I mean how much worse can it possibly get? Don't answer that! Just let me hold onto the little ounce of faith I'm clinging onto...

My True Horror Story (Online Ouija Board) Video!!

Before I share my story, please be advised - Do Not play with an ouija board. The ouija is NO Monopoly! When I was a young lady in my early twenties something very scary happened. Although I grew up in the church, it wasn't until something near fatal happened in my life that made me question my faith. So I decided to dabble in necromancy one day. I was just being curious and played with an online Ouija board while on break at work. I assumed that it would be as harmless as playing solitaire. However, what I would soon discover is that it wasn't a game. I asked questions about my life but the planchette would just roll around and point to "Yes" in response to everything I'd ask, so I figured it didn't work.  So I left the website, considered it fake and never revisited.   Later that evening, I showered and went to bed after a very tiresome day.  I laid my head on the pillow and snuggled tightly with my blanket ready to fall fast asle...

Hey Y'all! Happy 2022!

  Happy Blessed New Year!! 🎉 "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us." - Saint Terese of Liseaux