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Showing posts from December, 2019

Flashback Friday: Christmas with a little one in the NICU (2016)

Christmas was on a Sunday but it was bittersweet! I was happy and blessed to have my little one but sad to be celebrating the holidays with him in the NICU. I took a photo of myself at The Ronald McDonald House before heading to the hospital to be with DJ.   The House allowed us to go into this room filled with gifts and choose a few for our families. It was a way to brighten our stay during the holidays, realizing we hadn't been able to shop. Giving at Christmas brings us all joy and this was their way of helping us cope in a difficult time. Wrapping paper and tape was provided. It was Awesome! We spent a few hours with our beloved before heading home to visit with family for a little while. I quickly returned to Greenville to snuggle up with my beloved once more before bedtime... And to all a goodnight!

The first time I held my preemie

I'll never the most special day next to giving birth to my amazing pride and joy. It was the day I held DJ for the very first time, eight days after having him. The day was Friday, December 23, 2016, and I was so overwhelmed with joy and excitement that I almost fainted. Lord knows, it was such an emotional day. I couldn't stop crying and wishing my husband would come and share these precious moments with me. He kept making excuses but I remained strong. I was lonely and depressed by nighttime. It didn't help that the power went out at the house due to road workers accidentally cutting a line. So the house associates gave everyone flashlights.  A dear friend called right on time to check on me and I told her how postpartum depression was getting the best of me. Without hesitation, she came to pick me up. We drove around the neighborhood to view the Christmas lights. Some were beautiful and others made us laugh. We ate some Krispy Kreme and had a blast! She also gave...

Happy Birthday Peanut!

Happy Birthday to my one and only heart, DJ! You are a miracle and gift. May God bless you with many many more birthdays little man.  Love, Mommy

Tantrums, Tantrums, and more Tantrums!!

As mama bear, I can honestly admit that sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. I don't always have things under control. My son DJ began having tantrums at two years old. His fits put the terrible in terrible two's. I was caught off guard because as a first time mom, I thought I had the sweetest baby in the world. These outbursts make me feel anxious and sometimes defeated like I'm failing as a parent. I've read articles online about how to handle tantrums and still found myself pulling my hair with Mr. Personality! So I had to determine what best helps support DJ through his outbursts. These are just a few things that I tried and so far so good. Pray!   Pray without ceasing! I pray for patience, peace, strength and guidance. Lord knows I need it! DJ is my gift from God, so I take it all to God in prayer. Like the old folks say, prayer will change things and I have faith in My Help! I now have a peace that surpasses all understanding and DJ has go...

Kangaroo Care

Kangaroo care or skin-to-skin contact is the sweetest thing ever! Look at my peanut all snuggled inside of my shirt while I sing to him. This was our special way of bonding while he was in the NICU. He felt so warm and cuddly. I will always cherish these precious memories. One of mama bear's favorite moments!

It's A Boy!

It was Friday, December 2, 2016, when I found out I was having a boy. I was so excited and appreciated the awesome staff at WakeMed Ostetrics and Gynecology in Raleigh. I remember how one very sweet nurse, who was from Panama, exclaimed with joy over my son. She expressed how exciting my blessing is, and that my man child is destined to lead and do some extraordinary things. She said why else would God bless me at forty with a boy. It meant something special... a special purpose. She was so encouraging, asking me to make sure I often let him know and keep him reminded of how amazing he is. I knew my son would bring me so much joy the day he was born. I just didn't know he would be born so early. I had recently started a new job as an insurance adjuster for a great company in Rocky Mount. Everything was starting to work out since it was difficult for me on another job with my gestational diabetes among other ailments during my high risk pregnancy. Even my stand-up comedy had...